land of the midnight sun

on Saturday, June 20, 2009

To the lover of wilderness, Alaska is one of the most wonderful countries in the world. ~John Muir

So here we find ourselves, in wild wonderful Alaska. It is truly stunning. The air feels more fresh, the blues and greens more deep, the bears...well. :) Please enjoy some of these beautiful images of a beautiful place along with my favorite subject, if you can guess who that is. :) 

Quick story: On our flight from Seattle to AK, we were 2 rows behind a very serious medical emergency involving an older gentleman. We are still unsure of the details of his medical issue but suffice it to say that our wonderful flight staff took the situation very seriously and you could certainly see the gravity of the situation on their faces. They called for any medical professionals on the plane to assist them. Quickly an older physician raced to the front and began assessing the situation. Beau and I were praying silently while we watched the scene unfold. As things calmed down and the passenger began to feel better, we heard the kind looking older doctor ask him his name. The passenger told him and then the doctor closed his eyes and began praying for the ill man. B and I looked at each other and in awe and blessed by the doc's actions. I cried and grabbed my camera. My B thanked the doc on the way out of the plane and it was as though he had just done what he would always have done. Enjoy the shot of something spectacular: a physician taking his patient to the only Healer who can truly make people whole. Love to you all!

being helpful (leukemia & lymphoma society event

on Monday, June 15, 2009

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no person can 
sincerely try to help another without helping themselves." 
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Enjoy these images from a recent fundraiser I was blessed to be a part of.
Good music, good friends, good cause. Perfect. :)

engaging, isn't it?

on Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.  ~Emily Brontë

It's official....I am a GROOMSMAID! :) Congratulations sweet Christopher and Keri. Love you both dearly. You will make lots of sweet music in this life as you have already begun to do!

divine providence

on Thursday, June 4, 2009

"We can find all that is necessary in the present moment. We need not to worry about whether to pray or be silent, whether to withdraw into retreat or mix with people, to read or write, to meditate or make our minds a receptive blank, to shun or seek out books on spirituality. Nor do poverty or riches, sickness or health, life or death matter in the least. What does matter is what each moment produces by the will of God."
~Jean-Pierre de Caussade

Sweet Christy and little growing baby. Impromptu moment at the church.